Article 1. Subject Matter of the Contract
- These provisions govern the relationship between the Consumer (hereafter also referred to as Student) subscribed to a preparation course for the university admission tests or other services (hereafter referred to as Course or Courses, and Services) organized by 700+ Club (hereafter referred to as 700+ Club).
- 700+ Club is a registered trademark of MODULUS SRL. Modulus SRL is the contractual counterparty of the Consumer who enrolls in the subject courses.
- Registered office & Operational headquarters of MODULUS SRL: Viale Cassala 22, 20143, Milan. E-mail address: contact@700plus.club; certified e-mail: modulus@lamiapec.it.
- 700+ Club offers Courses carried out entirely online and conducted in English. The minimum level of English recommended to take the Courses and then take the tests is a CEFR B2 level. Certifications proving the level of English are not required, and it will be at the Consumer’s discretion to ensure that Consumer’s level is comparable to the recommended level.
- The characteristics of the individual Courses and Services (purpose of the Course or Services, provisional calendar, duration in days and hours of classes, program, teaching materials provided, costs and registration methods, etc.) are described in the respective product pages on the website www.700plus.club and the illustrative and advertising materials distributed publicly.
Article 2. Course and Services Registration and Payment
- The Consumer must register for Courses and Services through the website www.700plus.club. Registering for any Course or attending classes before making the appropriate payment is impossible. Consumer who has participated in the free onboarding session for the GMAT or SAT and wishes to continue with the Course must pay the course registration fee before the next lesson. Enrolment is considered completed when 700+ Club sends the Consumer the email confirming successful enrolment.
- The payment is for the Course and Services only and does not include the official exam fees. Payment of the latter and any other costs related to the official exam, including but not limited to registration, rescheduling, or cancellation fees, is the Consumer’s sole responsibility. 700+Club bears no responsibility or control over the availability of seats for the official exams.
- If the Student is a minor, the Course must be purchased by an adult on their behalf. The adult constitutes the contracting party, and the minor the beneficiary. The invoices are issued to the Student’s name by default.
- Consumer can access several payment methods through 700+ Club’s website for purchasing the Course.
- At the time of registration for the Course, it is sometimes possible to use discount codes. Packages of products or bundles consisting of several products cannot be combined with discounts, coupon codes, or vouchers.
- To ensure the best learning conditions, the Courses are reserved for a limited number of participants; therefore, enrollments are accepted until all available places are filled. 700+ Club reserves the right not to accept a Consumer’s enrollment by notifying the Consumer in writing.In case the minimum number of enrolments is not reached, 700+ Club has the right to cancel a Course. In this case, 700+ Club will promptly notify the Consumer and make a refund of the amount paid within 30 days of such cancellation, excluding the cost of any course materials already delivered or activated, without any obligation arising from such cancellation to compensate the Consumer for any damage whatsoever or to grant any other form of compensation.
Article 3. Onboarding
- When registering for 700+ Club courses, Consumer must make sure that their name and other details of the Student are correct. In case the Student’s data needs to be changed, please send an email to support@700plus.club.
- 700+ Club assumes no responsibility for failure or incomplete delivery of services due to incorrect information provided by the Consumer.
- 700+ Club will send the Student several emails for the onboarding to Courses. It is the responsibility of the Student to follow the instructions received and ensure that all accounts for the digital products, including those of third parties, are set up correctly. 700+ Club is not obligated to set up the accounts and does not assume any responsibility for failure to use its or the third-party’s materials.
- All communications about the Course, including assignments, recordings, and announcements, will be held and shared exclusively via Discord, so the Student must check it regularly. The Discord app must be downloaded on the phone, and notifications must be enabled. All communication with tutors is done through the specific Discord channels.
Article 4. Scheduling / rescheduling / cancellation of classes.
- Individual course
- To start the classes, all steps communicated in the onboarding emails must be completed.
- Invitations to classes/sessions are emailed to the email address specified during registration/purchase of the Course. It is the Student’s responsibility to ensure that the correct email address is provided and to check the emails to receive all communications in a timely manner.
- If the Student is late to the class, the tutor must be notified on Discord in the dedicated channel. The class will still end at the scheduled time. In case of a delay of more than 15 minutes, the tutor has the right to cancel the class, and unused hours are lost.
- If the Student is a no-show after 15 minutes from the scheduled start time, the class is canceled, and unused hours of the canceled class are lost.
- The Student can request to reschedule a class, with at least 24 hr prior notice, by sending a message to the tutor on the Discord channel. A new lesson will then be scheduled based on the tutor’s availability. A rescheduling request submitted less than 24 hours in advance will not be accepted, and the Student will lose the right to the lesson.
- Group Course
- 700+ Club shall notify the Student of the course schedule sufficiently in advance and shall take major holidays into account. However, classes may be scheduled on a public holiday. A Student’s failure to attend a class on holiday will result in losing that lesson.
- If a Student cannot attend a lesson, the tutor must be informed on Discord in the dedicated group course chat. Please notify the tutor at least one hour before the class.
- In case of a missed class, the Student will have access to the recorded lesson. 700+ Club has no obligation to provide any other help, teaching, or materials to recover the missed lesson.
- If all Students in a group do not attend a scheduled lesson, even if communicated by the Student/s in advance, 700+ Club has no obligation to reschedule the lesson.
- Students joining the Course later, when the Course has already started, will have access to the previously recorded lessons. 700+ Club has no obligation to provide other help, teaching, or materials to recover the lessons not attended.
- 700+ Club undertakes to timely confirm the Student’s subscription to the Course and provide all necessary information for the Student to start the Course. However, it is the Student’s responsibility to notify 700+ Club in case information has yet to be received 12 hrs before the start of the Course. In the absence of such notification, the provisions of para 4.2.5. will apply.
- Individual course
Article 5. Course Duration.
- For individual course Students, individual lessons must be exhausted within six months from the date of purchase. After this period has elapsed, 700+ Club reserves the right to cancel the lessons without owing anything to the Consumer. Any extension of this deadline is at the sole discretion of 700+ Club.
Article 6. Use of online platforms
- As part of group and individual Courses, the Consumer will have access to the online platforms within the following terms:
- 700+ Club GMAT platform – 6 months from the date of account activation;
- SAT platform – 6 months from the start date of the Course;
- GRE platform – 6 months from the course start date;
- Official GMAT material – 1 year from the date of activation.
- The trial access has a duration of 5 days. This term cannot be extended, and it is not possible to re-register for trial access.
- The Consumer agrees not to share the platform access, recordings, or screen live streaming with anyone else and to be the sole user of the lessons and any other materials provided by the 700+ Club. If the Consumer violates these obligations, 700+ Club reserves the right to demand a penalty of €2,000 from the Student and to exclude them immediately from the Course.
- As part of group and individual Courses, the Consumer will have access to the online platforms within the following terms:
Article 7. Class participation requirements
- Since all of the Courses are held online, it is the Student’s responsibility to have a stable Internet connection. If due to a malfunction of the connection on the Student’s side, one or more lessons must be canceled or cannot be followed by the Student, the tutor has the right to count such lessons as fulfilled.
- The Student must ensure that the microphone and video camera are working during the lessons. For safety reasons, the camera must be turned on at all times. At their discretion, the tutor can remove the Student from the group if their camera is not turned on.
- Practice questions posed to the tutor during or outside of the lessons can only be official GMAT/GRE/SAT questions or questions from 700+Club study material. Questions of different genres or taken from unofficial sources will not be considered.
- 700+ Club works with the best tutors with thorough training and proven teaching ability. In the event that the individual Student wishes to change tutor, they should send an email to support@700plus.club, and a phone call will be arranged to assess feedback and decide on further action.
- Tutors in group Courses cannot be changed.
- The Student is responsible for maintaining appropriate behavior and communication with tutors and fellow students during classes. In particular, displays of hatred, discrimination, or racism will not be tolerated.
- 700+ Club reserves the right at its sole discretion to exclude from the Course, without compensation or refund, anyone who has acted in such a way as to show a lack of dignity or respect for tutors and/or students, anyone who has violated Classroom Etiquette Rules, or anyone who has violated 700+ Club’s intellectual property rights. Such Student, excluded for any of the above reasons, will not be eligible for re-enrollment.
- The Student agrees to abide by the following Classroom Etiquette Rules, which are an integral part of this contract:
- No recording. Students may not take pictures or videos of others, presentations, or lectures without permission. No sharing or posting photos or videos of others without their knowledge and consent is allowed.
- Be professional. Students must dress in appropriate clothing for the class. Students are responsible for their username, computer screen, and the background they show to others. Students may not display offensive or inappropriate material on their persons or screen. The camera must be turned on at all times during the class.
- Be respectful and polite. Ask appropriate questions and be willing to listen to other students, and participate in the learning process. Questions and comments should always be related to the discussion at hand. Do not abuse the chat room.
- Be ready to learn. Arrive at class on time and prepared. Refrain from checking other websites (social media, games, etc.) or messages during class.
- Eliminate distractions. Keep quiet until you are called upon to speak. Turn off cell phones. To attend class, choose a place that will not cause distractions for you or others who will see your screen.
Article 8. Distance enrollment and right of withdrawal
- Enrolment in 700+ Club Courses occurs exclusively online, in “distance” form.
- Pursuant to Legislative Decree No. 206, September 6, 2005, as amended (Consumer Code), Article 45, letter g, a distance contract is defined as “any contract concluded between the trader and the consumer under an organized distance sales or service-provision scheme without the simultaneous physical presence of the trader and the consumer, through the exclusive use of one or more means of distance communication up to and including the conclusion of the contract.”
- Also, according to the aforementioned Legislative Decree No. 206/05, 700+Club is the Professional or Supplier, and the individual who purchases goods or services at a distance is the Consumer.
- 700+ Club does not grant the right of withdrawal to Consumers except in the case provided by the above-mentioned law. Therefore:
- The Consumer has the right to exercise the right of withdrawal within 14 days from the day on which 700+ Club has confirmed the acceptance of the enrollment;
- In application of Article 59 letter o) of Legislative Decree No. 206/05, the Consumer’s right of withdrawal is terminated if the performance of the services of 700+ Club has begun (for example, with the appearance of the Student for the first lesson of the Course, or with the first access to the online platform). In this case, the Consumer declares that the performance of the service has begun during the withdrawal period and that the Consumer has accepted the loss of the right of withdrawal. This statement is equivalent to the confirmation of the loss of the right of withdrawal made by the Professional pursuant to point 3 of letter o) of Article 59 of Legislative Decree No. 206/05.
- The request for withdrawal should be addressed to support@700plus.club. If accepted, the refund will be made within 14 days of the request.
- No refunds are made under any other circumstances.
Article 9. End-to-End Admission Consulting Services
- Services Provided: Within this package, 700+ Club will provide the following services (the Services): preparation for the GMAT, access to the IELTS preparation online platform, and strategic consultation on school selection, application timing, and related matters. This includes editorial guidance on all application documents for five Master’s or MBA Programs in the universities agreed upon by the student and 700+Club. The documents include personal statements, résumés, and supplemental essays required by the schools. 700+ Club will also review and assist with application submissions, prepare the Student for interviews, provide information on scholarships, and strategize for waitlists.Under no circumstances will 700+ Club create original content or prepare application materials on behalf of the Student. Fact-checking or performing research for the Student’s documents is also not included.
- The Student’s Involvement: The Student’s active participation and timely responses are crucial. The Student agrees to attend all scheduled workshops and sessions, as attendance is mandatory. Additionally, the Student must provide all necessary documents and information promptly to facilitate the consulting process.
- Communication: The primary mode of communication will be via email, with a response time of up to 48 hours. The Student will also have access to a private and a group channel on Discord. The Student is expected to respond to communications within 24 hours to ensure the smooth progress of the application process.
- Confidentiality: All documents and personal information provided by the Student will be kept confidential. This information will only be shared within the 700+ Club’s team.
- Service Period: Services will be provided within a single admissions cycle, with the possibility for the Student to apply in two consecutive application rounds, or by the end of the rolling base application. The Services will be considered provided and 700+ Club’s obligations fulfilled by the date on which the results are announced to the Student in the respective application round or rolling base application.
- Payment and Refunds: Full payment is required before Services commence. Payment in installments is made available to the Student via ScalaPay provider under its own terms & conditions, in which case it is the responsibility of the Student to adhere to the payment schedule. Payment for 700+ Club Services does not include any exam or application fees, which will be borne exclusively by the Student.Student’s right of withdrawal from the Services is governed by Article 8 of the present agreement, except for the cases in which money-back guarantee conditions of Article 9.9 are implemented. In this latter case, the request for the refund shall be made by the Student to support@700plus.club with attachment of all the relevant documents as per Article 9.9. The request of the refund shall be processed within 45 days.
- Limitation of Liability: The Consultant’s liability under this Agreement shall be limited to the refund of the admission consulting fees paid by the Client. The Consultant shall not be liable for any other expenses, costs, or damages incurred by the Client, including but not limited to application fees, travel expenses, or other incidental costs.
- Termination: The Consultant may terminate this Agreement with 48 hours’ notice if the Student misrepresents facts, acts egregiously, or proves impossible to satisfy despite the 700+ Club’s good faith efforts. In such cases, no refund will be provided.
- Money-Back Guarantee Conditions: 700+ Club guarantees that the Student will be admitted to at least one of the schools from the list which was agreed upon by the Student and 700+ Club. If, after completing all application steps as outlined by the consulting service, this is not the case, a refund may be requested by the Student.
The Money-Back Guarantee is offered exclusively for the amount paid for the admission consulting services, and not for the test preparation, under the condition that the Student fully complies with the requirements listed below. Failure to meet any of these conditions will result in the voiding of the guarantee. 700+ Club reserves the right to determine whether the Student has met these conditions based on the documentation and communication records maintained throughout the consulting process.
- Admission: The term “admitted” is defined as the formal confirmation by the educational institution of the Student’s admission into the program from the list of 5 schools agreed upon by the Student and 700+ Club. The Student must present all 5 formal letters of admission/rejection received from the educational institutions within the application round(s) agreed upon by the Student and 700+ Club. The Student must apply to all the chosen schools within a maximum of two consecutive application rounds agreed upon with 700+ Club. The Student can still apply in the following rounds, but the money-back guarantee becomes null and void.
- Full Cooperation: The Student must have followed all advice, timelines, and completed all assignments as specified by the consulting service.The Student must provide all necessary documents and information in a timely manner. The Student must attend all scheduled consulting sessions and follow the advice and recommendations given by the consultant.
- Timeliness: The Student must adhere to all assignment deadlines set by the 700+Club. All application materials, including essays, recommendations, and test scores, must be submitted by the Student within the deadlines established by the business schools. It is the Student’s responsibility to adhere to the application deadlines, and 700+ Club does not assume any responsibility for missing such deadlines.
- Application List: The list of 5 (five) business schools will be mutually agreed upon by the Student and 700+ Club, ensuring they are within a realistic range based on the Student’s profile.
- Academic and Test Score Requirements: The Student must meet or exceed certain academic standards and test score thresholds as determined by 700+ Club, based on the target schools. All necessary standardized tests (e.g., GMAT, GRE) must be taken and the agreed-upon scores achieved during the consultation process. The score report must be presented to 700+ Club.
- Essay and Application Quality: The Student must use the consultant’s services for essay and application review. All revisions and feedback from the consultant must be implemented in the applications.
- Communication and Responsiveness: The Student must respond to consultant communications (emails, calls) within 24 hours. Any changes in application status or personal circumstances that could affect the application process must be immediately communicated to 700+ Club.
- Honesty and Integrity: The Student must provide truthful and accurate information in their applications. Any instances of plagiarism, falsification, or other forms of dishonesty will void the guarantee.
- Fee Payments: The Student must pay all consulting fees in full and on time. The guarantee is contingent upon the Student’s account being in good standing with no outstanding balances.
- Exclusive Consulting Agreement: The Student must not use another admission consulting service for the same application cycle. This exclusivity ensures that the outcomes can be attributed to the consultant’s advice and efforts.
Article 10. Intellectual Property.
- Courses may include digital access to course content. Subject to Student’s compliance with these Terms and Conditions, 700+Club grants the Student a limited, personal, non-exclusive, revocable, and non-transferable license to access the course content during the access period of your Course determined in article 6.1 above.
- All programs used by 700+ Club in the delivery of services, including websites and applications, are the property of 700+Club or its licensors. The Courses are intended for personal, non-commercial use only. You may not enroll in or use any program for the benefit of a competitor of 700+Club. The Programs may not be shared, resold, reproduced, republished, modified, transferred, or distributed in any way without the prior written consent of 700+Club. All books, videos, audio, texts, questions, explanations, diagrams, images, animations, and other content you receive or have access to during the Course, regardless of medium or format (collectively, “Course Content”), are protected by copyright law and belong to 700+Club or its licensors.Consumer may not download, record, screenshot, copy, or reproduce Course Content in any way. Making audio and/or video recordings of a lesson or any part of the Course is prohibited. Consumers may not decompile, reverse engineer, scrape, or analyze programs. The trademarks, service marks, designs, and logos displayed in the Courses are registered and unregistered trademarks of 700+Club, 700+Club’s licensors, and third-party vendors and may not be used without the prior written permission of 700+Club. Third-party products are the property of such third parties and their respective licensors.
Article 11. User Content
- Comments, messages, photos, and any other content submitted to 700+ Club by the Students through the sites, social media communities, survey responses, email, WhatsApp, Discord, or otherwise (“User Content”) are considered submitted under an irrevocable, royalty-free, perpetual, transferable license to use, modify, create derivative works from, publish, display and sublicense your User Content, in whole or in part, in any format and on any existing or subsequently created platform, and to associate your User Content with your name and/or image. You are solely responsible for your User Content. You represent that you have the right to submit User Content to us and the right to grant us the license described above. You warrant that your User Content and our use of it does not infringe any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, or other intellectual or proprietary right or right of privacy of any party or individual. For the purposes of this contract, class recordings constitute User Content.
Article 12: Privacy, legal clauses, place of jurisdiction, and other regulations
- Once a consultation call has been requested, 700+ Club team members will call you back and contact you via SMS or WhatsApp if a call hasn’t yet been scheduled on Calendly.
- Once you subscribed for an event or any other lead magnet, the team might contact you for feedback and inform you about other upcoming events or initiatives that could be relevant.
- When Consumer enrolls in the 700+ Club’s database, he or she may be contacted via phone, SMS, and/or WhatsApp in addition to email.
- During the Course and after that, 700+ Club will contact Students to fill out surveys, share feedback, or provide a review.
- Consumers’ personal data is processed in compliance with the provisions of Law 196/2003 and European Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and subsequent intervening amendments. The data controller is MODULUS SRL. With the exceptions in article 11 of these Terms and Conditions and unless otherwise indicated when registering for an event or a Course, Consumers’ personal data will not be disclosed or disseminated to third parties. They may be used exclusively by 700+ Club to provide the services requested.
- Users may request that their data be updated or deleted by writing to support@700plus.club at any time.
- An English translation of these Terms and Conditions is provided to make them easier to understand. Still, only the Italian language version is authentic between 700+ Club and the Consumer.
- Contracts entered into between 700+ Club and Consumers are governed by Italian law, regardless of the nationality or residence of the latter.