Table of Contents
1. How Many Times Can I Take GRE?
2. Setting GRE Exam Goals
3. Solution About GRE Exam Retakes

How Many Times Can I Take GRE?

GRE exam can be taken up to five times in a 12-month period if you take it every 21 days (365 days). Even if you’ve previously canceled your test scores, this still applies. You can retake the GRE updated general test as many times as you want if you take it on paper. Moreover, multiple GRE attempts will have no negative impact on your chances of getting into a graduate program.

Setting GRE Exam Goals

ETS automatically sends your official GRE scores to the four universities you’ve chosen. It may take up to 5 days to reach the chosen universities if you apply for Additional Score Reports online. It will take about ten business days if you apply by mail or fax. If you have applied for the reinstatement of your scores, it will take two weeks. Make sure you have enough time to submit your GRE scores online before the admissions deadline.

Solution About GRE Exam Retakes

Another factor to consider while determining GRE retakes is whether or not you have the “energy” to do so. If you don’t practice and keep your GRE skills fresh, they will swiftly fade away. If you don’t prepare properly for the test, retaking it will not help your score.

Yes, you can take the test every three weeks, but is it enough time for you to prepare adequately? You are the only one who can be sure. Over-prepare for each test try and fall on the side of caution.

Wondering how to register for GRE? Check out our guide about GRE registration to not miss any important aspect.

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