Score Booster.



  • 10 hours 1-1 tutoring for SAT

  • A mix of verbal & quant as needed

  • Use hours anytime within 2023

Score Booster+



  • 20 hours 1-1 tutoring for SAT

  • A mix of verbal & quant as needed

  • Use hours anytime within 2023

How it works

Pay in 3 monthly payments

(interest free!)

Simply select the Pay in 3 option at checkout.

We only accept British pounds or Euros. No pre-paid credit cards.

Get in touch with our team if you have any issues.

Frequently Asked Questions.

Every pack includes 1-to-1 tutoring for SAT with 700+Club tutors. Working 1-to-1 with our tutors will help you see massive gains in your scores in the shortest time possible.

One hour with a 700+Club tutor is equivalent to 5 hours of studying alone.

“Score Booster” includes 10 hours of 1-to-1 private tutoring whereas “Score Booster+” includes 20 hours of 1-to-1 private tutoring.

Both packages can be structured with math & verbal hours as required.

Of course! The tutors will help you with a precise study plan that will help you maximize your efforts. Don’t have the right exam strategy? No problem – your tutor will guide you through it all.
Feel weak in certain topics? Can’t finish the test in time? Keep making careless mistakes? No matter what is holding you back, our experts will help you overcome your difficulties and make your exam ready!

After a successful payment, we will get in touch with you to understand your requirements and availability. We consider all these inputs to match you with the right tutor for your needs.

All this usually takes less than 5 business days.

Absolutely not. You can distribute the hours as you wish. In fact, it is recommended to have hours distributed across the main categories – content mastery, exam strategy, and simulation analysis/feedback.

However, the hours must be used by the 30th of June 2023.
Any hours pending after the 30th of June 2023 will be null and void.

98% success rate.

Our students get into top universities, worldwide.