Table of Contents
1. Why a Master’s application essay is so important
2. What makes a good Master’s essay?
3. 3 tips to write a compelling Master’s essays

Why a Master’s application essay is so important 

If you’re applying for a Master’s then you’ll need to set aside several weeks, or maybe even longer to write your admissions essay.

It’s your chance to sell yourself to an admissions board and include all the important pieces of your life so far so they’re truly impressed and in no doubt that they want to give you an interview. 

Applicants with less work experience have been accepted into extremely prestigious business schools based on their ability to communicate their personal value in an essay.

What makes a good Master’s essay? 

However, what makes a good essay? Much like the CV, it needs to be structured in a way that outlines your talents, experience, and personal journey to your chosen course. It’s best to work on this with an expert so you can tell your story in its own unique way. 

Your personal statement should reflect who you are and cover around 700 words. That might seem short, but every word needs to count. You’ll need plenty of time to reflect on this essay and it will likely need several re-writes. It’s an elevator pitch to a university about why they need to buy what you’re selling – you. 

Each university and business school has its own set of requirements for admission, so you’ll need to write a personal statement for each individual application instead of sending the same one to each institution. 

Doing your research and knowing what each admissions board is looking for is key. 


3 tips to write a compelling Master’s essay

  1. Details: Here’s your chance to make the admissions officers really sit up and take notice of you. Take advantage of it and use your words like a paintbrush to paint a vivid picture. They want to hear, see and feel who you are, what you excel at, why you want to go to their university, when you want to go, and where you are right now. Make them notice you! 
  2. Fit in to stand out: INSEAD, for example, has a multilingual, multinational student population. Are you someone who has studied and/or worked abroad? Over 50% of their students have worked outside of their own country and speak at least two languages. If you’re the sort of person who will fit in on a truly international college campus then let them know why!  If there are other reasons you’ll fit in then this is the time to convey that. 
  3. Write it yourself: Don’t just pay a professional essay writer to do this for you. The admissions boards can smell inauthenticity a mile away. Instead, look at getting help with form and structure from an admissions consulting service. You’ll write it yourself with the confidence of knowing that what you have written makes sense from an admissions board’s perspective. 


We do provide admissions consulting as one of our services. We’ll work with you to craft the perfect personal essay and give guidance on how to sell your story to your dream school.

Having helped thousands of students in the past, we know the secret formula that is needed to make your personality, accomplishments, and story stand out to an admissions team.

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