The Best IELTS Test Prep In Europe

98% success rate

700+Club IELTS

Empowering you to get into your dream university.

We’re not just a test prep centre. If you’re applying for a Bachelors, Masters, MBA or Phd, we can give you the tools to stay ahead of the crowd.


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Top Business Schools


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IELTS Course Structure.

1-on-1 Individual Courses

Course Structure

Every 700+Club course is built on our 3-step structure proven to achieve test success: Foundation, Practice and Grind. Together, these 3 steps ensure you know all basics, learn how to solve every question, and recognise and overcome your weaknesses.


Our IELTS course includes our own materials and the Official IELTS book. This combination of official and digital prep material ensures you get nothing but the best prep for your exam.


Our online-only course design makes it possible for students worldwide to benefit from our industry-leading tutors. Each 700+Club tutor is a 99th percentile achiever with years of tutoring experience who enjoys nothing more than seeing you succeed. They supplement their academic support with test mindset guidance and valuable life skills you won't find anywhere else.


Early on in the course, you'll cover all verbal foundation work .

Next, you'll focus on at-home practice and join weekly classes with your tutor.

In this final phase, you'll fine-tune your skills with simulation tests and overcome each error noted in your logbook.

SAT student exam testimonial

I was able to get a high score in the test, that allowed me to get a good academic scholarship for my study in the USA.


SAT Student

GRE student exam preparation review

With the help of 700+Club, I was happy to increase confidence in my abilities.


GRE Student

An IELTS prep option for everyone.

Did you know that 1hr with a tutor is equal to 5hr studying alone?

Individual Course

The IELTS Individual Course requires 20h study and can be adapted to your personal needs.

  • 1-3 month, depending on your prep time

  • 1-3 sessions per week, depending on your daily schedule

  • 2hr sessions

  • 1 to 1 studying

  • IELTS Official materials + Simulations

  • 700+ Club Specialist Course Materials

  • Completely Virtual Classes

  • Adaptive Tests

  • IELTS Success Strategies

Don’t risk your application.

Whatever the test you need to take, we can help take the pressure off and get your best score. Period.

Complete this form and start your prep today. You will be invited to schedule a time after submitting.