Table of Contents
1. Why preparation is key for interview success?
2. Do your interview research ahead of time
3. DOs and DON’Ts of the interview process
4. Summary

Nerves are to be expected but don’t let them get the better of you. The key to doing well with your interview is the same method you used to get that invite for an interview – preparation. By the way, do know when is the best time to apply to the university?


Why preparation is key to interview success?

If you’re applying to a top business school or university then doing your preparation ahead of the interview is an absolute necessity. It’s the same logic you’d apply to a job interview. You would thoroughly research the business you’re applying to, as well as look up the people who are likely to interview you so you get a feel for who they are and what to expect from them. 


Do your interview research ahead of time

Any top business school will want to know why you chose them, why you’re applying for your chosen program, and what your long-term goals and aspirations are. There will be other questions they often ask too. For example, they may want to know examples of why you’re a good team player and how you handled a tricky team situation in the real world. They’ll ask about which other schools and programs you have applied for and whether you have already been accepted. Some schools use current students to do these interviews as there’s nobody better than a peer to evaluate whether you’ll add value to life on campus. Knowing precisely what to expect ahead of time will ensure you’re not tripped up on the day. 


Once you know what types of questions you’ll be asked and what your answers are likely to be, as well as how long the interview will take, plus when and where you’ll find that nerves are replaced with excitement. This is a great sign. The admissions officers are going to want someone who is excited about attending their institution and making a difference in the business world. 


DOs and DON’Ts of the interview process 

Make sure you look presentable on the day. You may want to get a haircut and neatly manicure your nails and pick out and iron your outfit in the days before the interview. Knowing what you’re wearing and feeling relaxed but professional the day you wake up to go to the interview will help diminish last-minute jitters. 


Take notes. There’s likely going to be a question-and-answer session where you get to ask the admissions team questions. Jot down what they say so you don’t forget. There may well be next steps after the interview and you don’t want to forget what they are. 


Make sure you’re well-rested. Staying up all night before the interview could be forgiven. But don’t let excitement override logic. You need to rest so you can think clearly on the day. Don’t drink too much caffeine before the interview – being jittery won’t come across as professional. 


Make sure you look your interviewer in the eye and listen carefully to what they say. Eye contact is important to show awareness. 

Be careful that your answers aren’t rushed. You want to come across as poised and thoughtful. You may only get a minute for each response so practice for this if your chosen school uses this timed question-and-answer format. 



Remember the admissions team has seen something in your application and they want you to do well too. They may ask you a question you haven’t prepped for. Just compose yourself and think carefully before answering in an authentic way. 


The best way to do well is by coming across as your own authentic self and only you can do this. 


If you want help with a dream school interview our Admissions Consulting team is there for you. They know what you can expect from an interview and the types of questions your chosen school will ask. They can help you hone your answers so you shine as a stand-out candidate. Schedule a call and ask them whatever you want today >

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