Table of Contents
1. Send SAT Scores For Free After Registering for the SAT
2. Pay a Fee to Send Your SAT Score
3. Use an SAT Rush Order
4. How Long Will It Take to Send SAT Scores?
4.1. Send SAT Score With Fees Waivers
5. Which SAT Score Should I Send?
6. How to Send SAT Score To Universities?

It’s pretty simple to send SAT scores to colleges. However, two factors affect the process; When was the SAT was taken and which SAT scores are you going to send? The requirement includes getting the SAT score directly from the College Board for most colleges. Here are three ways you can order and send your SAT scores to colleges.

Send SAT Scores For Free After Registering for the SAT

You are eligible to send up to 4 SAT score reports for free from the day you register for the SAT till nine days after.

Pay a Fee to Send Your SAT Score

After the nine-day deadline, there is a $12 fee to send a score report. This may not apply if you qualify for an SAT fee waiver.

Use an SAT Rush Order

If you recently applied to a new college and need to send your SAT score immediately, you can choose to pay for a rush order in which you have your results forwarded to the colleges in 2 to 4 working days.

How Long Will It Take to Send SAT Scores?

When registering for the SAT, requesting score report recipients is the quickest method to deliver SAT scores. Based on when you took the test, you can get your SAT test score report two to six weeks following the exam date. Within ten days after receiving your SAT results, universities will get your score reports. Colleges require time to process your results when they get them, which might take up to 7 days.

Send SAT Score With Fees Waivers

Low-income juniors and seniors may apply for SAT cost waivers from the College Board. With a fee waiver, you may submit your SAT score reports to as many universities as you like for free. Contact your high school counselor or a representative of an approved community-based group to see whether you’re qualified.

Which SAT Score Should I Send?

If you took the SAT several times, it’s up to you to decide which score you’ll submit to universities. To begin, review the scoring policy for each institution you want to apply. Some demand you to provide all of your scores; some may work with your best score over the rest. Some people will use your SAT Superscore. Here’s a reminder on how to figure out your Superscore.

Score Choice is an optional service offered by the College Board that enables you to select the SAT test date score you desire to send to your university. If the institution Superscores the SAT, you should provide the date you have the best SAT math score and the date you had the best EBRW score.

How to Send SAT Score To Universities?

  • Log in to your College Board account and choose “Send Scores” from the drop-down menu.
  • If you wish to submit your results right away, choose “Send Available Scores Now” or if you’re enrolled for a future exam, click “Send Scores When Available.”
  • To make your college score report recipients, search for them by state and name, then click “Add.” Do this process for as many schools as you need until your list is complete.
  • Make sure your order is correct before paying.
  • Check your account to verify whether your scores were provided after your testing date.

Here’s all you need to know. If your opinion changes regarding schools, you may update it by logging into your account.

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