Table of Contents
1. How To Send GRE Scores?
2. How Can You Send GRE Test Results To Your Universities?
3. How Should GRE Scores Be Sent On Exam Day?

How To Send GRE Scores?

GRE Score Sending allows you to report your GRE scores to four different universities for free. GRE score reports include the official score report you receive after taking the GRE as well as the reports you send to institutions. The ScoreSelect option allows you to choose which test scores to submit to the institutions you choose, allowing you to transmit the numbers that you believe represent your personal best, giving you more confidence on test day. If you want to submit your GRE results to other institutions or send them after the test, you can do so by ordering Additional GRE Score Reports for a cost of US$27 per recipient.

How Can You Send GRE Test Results To Your Universities?

Candidates frequently wonder, “How to send my GRE scores?” You can send GRE test results to the universities of your choice by following the simple steps outlined below:

  • To begin, sign in to your ETS account.
  • Then Select “Send Additional Score Reports” under Scores on the My GRE Home page.
  • On the screen, you will see the Registration for Examinations table,
  • Finally, you have the option to send further score reports.
  • ETS sends GRE scores for free to up to four universities, with the option to pick Most Recent (Send your GRE results from your current test administration) or All (Send your scores from all administrations in the last five years).

How Should GRE Scores Be Sent On Exam Day?

On the day of the test, you will be given your unofficial GRE verbal and quantitative reasoning results. Because the GRE Analytical Writing Assessment is graded by humans, the GRE AWA scores are released alongside the official GRE score.

If you’re wondering how to GRE send scores after taking the test, remember that you can send your GRE scores to four universities of your choice for free. After you finish the test, you will be prompted to select four universities to which you want your results sent. It is best to plan ahead of time the institutions you will attend in order to make use of this service. Once you’ve made your choice, you won’t be able to modify it.

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